Contact: President Prof. Ola M. Johannessen, Thormøhlensgate 47, N-5006 Bergen, Norway,
The vision of the Nansen Scientific Society is through education and research within global environment and climate problems, including their impacts on society, for young people from different nations and cultures to provide a foundation for greater understanding and co-existence in the word – in the spirit of Dr. Fridtjof Nansen. The Foundation is an integral part of the Nansen Group of research centres (see below).
The Foundation finances and coordinates the “Nansen Fellowship Program” for education and research for young people in order to create lasting long term international relations and a better world.
The Foundation initiate, finance and coordinate innovative research ideas, research projects and research expeditions within the Nansen Group as well as with other scientific and funding partners, specifically in developing countries with significant environmental and climate problems. The results of the scientific activities will be published in cooperation with the Nansen Group in quality journals and books. Scientific promotion focused on the environment and climate for children, young people, students, adults and decision makers will be conducted.
The Foundation regularly organize, finance and coordinate international scientific meetings and conferences of high quality, as well as Summer and Winter schools within global environmental and climate topics, for students and young scientists in cooperation with the Nansen Group and other scientific and financial partners.